Naruto: Shippuden/Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

You can do Super Attacks by holding two of the attack buttons, and you can do your Ultimate Attack by holding 3 buttons. The Controls are Light Attack = Normal Attack, Medium Attack = Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack = Special Moves, and Special Attack = Throw. There is also a simple mode, dubbed “Dynamic Mode”. Medium + Special is a dodge/parry maneuver, that can only be done correctly with proper timing. Each character has 5 Levels of Super Meter, with some characters having the ability to charge the meter, if you press Light + Special, you can do this with certain characters. It can range from a Boost in Attack Power, Speed, Defense, and Meter. Similar to the instant kill mode in Guilty Gear, and the Overdrive Mode from BlazBlue, if you press all 4 attack buttons at the same time, the character will transform in a temporary state that gives the character a stat boost that varies depending on the character. There are a few unique mechanics exclusive to the game, one mechanic is the “Awakening”. The Special Attack is a lot more akin to BlazBlue's Drive Button, with a special one button attack. Capcom 3, with A Light Attack, Medium Attack, Heavy Attack, and a Special Attack. The 4 Buttons however are a lot more similar to BlazBlue and the Capcom fighting game, Ultimate Marvel Vs. The Gameplay is a 4 Button fighter very akin to Other ArcSys Fighting Games, such as Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Arcana Heart, and Persona 4 Arena.